Yom Kippur: Self-denial, repentance and growing up

yk2016This is a strange thing to be teaching to kids, so I hope that you will preview it before having them watch it. I am going to teach about what self-denial means by looking at the original Hebrew wording and a parallelism in Isaiah 58. I don’t teach doctrine to kids normally, but I have a lot of parents asking me about helping their kids understand the meaning of the Feasts and how to observe them, so this year I will be explaining what the scriptures call “self-denial” or the “affliction of our souls.” I am also going to talk about the importance of genuine repentance in our lives and how it can change us for the better and help us to grow up.

Click on the blue text for a link to a worksheet to help you understand parallelisms better:


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Eq95-kACb8c?feature=oembed&w=830&h=467]

Now is the time to start thinking about Bible Curriculum for those of you who are either new to the yearly Torah cycle (Genesis through Deuteronomy in a year) or want a more structured way to teach it to your kids. My dear sister Sarah Hawkes Valente has updated her already awesome Lessons in Yeshua’s (Jesus’s) Torah for school age and younger kids. It comes complete with lessons, questions, craft ideas and coloring pages. It’s a great way to introduce kids to Torah for the first time.
