Episode 166: Being Like Jesus–Peacefulness
What does Paul mean when he talks about peace? What does Jesus have to say about peacemakers? Is peace a feeling or an action or…
What does Paul mean when he talks about peace? What does Jesus have to say about peacemakers? Is peace a feeling or an action or…
This week we are looking at the difference between being sad and being ungrateful. I am also talking to the kids about why Jesus was…
Oh my gosh, we start Genesis 22 in two weeks and can you believe it? The Bible hasn’t mentioned love even once! Is that a…
A huge theme in ancient writings (and especially the Bible) is the difference between foolish and wise people. When we aren’t aware of it, we…
Few things are less understood and acknowledged than God’s incredible patience, and there’s no better time to discuss the patience of God than when we…
We are circling back to talking about what it means to become more like Jesus again because, as we will see again next week when…
If you want to view this on YouTube, check this out! If you can’t see the podcast player, click here. Hi! I’m Miss Tyler! Welcome to this…
Kindness is complicated. It’s a lot different than just being nice because Jesus wasn’t always nice but He was always kind. Being nice is just…
Well, whenever someone says goodness is how to be like Jesus, it makes me want to say, “Well, duh…” but what does goodness even mean?…
What faithfulness means to us today and what the Greek word pistis meant to Paul are sort of the same but also very different. Fortunately,…