How Could Joseph Divorce Mary When They Weren’t Married? Matt 1 Pt 7

I spent the last three weeks pouring through the Kehati Mishnah Commentaries on Ketubot, Kiddushin, and Gittin in order to study for this lesson in first-century betrothal, marriage, and divorce. Some of the laws were pretty messed up and others were actually kinda funny – fortunately for women, most modern denominations of Judaism don’t adhere to these rulings anymore. We are going to have some fun though, and laugh at some of the stuff I learned – like divorcing your husband because he handles dog poop in his profession.

I also had to make an apology for last week’s video where I mentioned being excited to see the new Guardians of the Galaxy movie – had I seen it first, I would NOT have mentioned it. I was horrified by it as it was full of sexual innuendos. I hope no one went and saw it just because they saw me excited about it. If you want a good Kurt Russel film to show your family, every single other one of his Disney movies would be a much better choice.
