Why is Bathsheba in Messiah’s Genealogy? Matt 1 Part 5

Well, here we are with our last PG-13 teaching for a long time, thank goodness. I much prefer teaching for a general audience but it’s in the Bible so it would also be irresponsible to just pretend like this doesn’t exist. Bathsheba has an undeserved bad reputation, alongside Jezebel and Delilah as temptresses – but in Bathsheba’s case, that reputation is undeserved and I will prove it entirely from the original Hebrew and archaeology.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=07QCVToQ2KQ?feature=oembed&w=830&h=467]

Why Was Ruth in Messiah’s Genealogy? Matthew 1 Pt 4

So this week we will be talking about one of the most admirable women in Scripture – a pagan-born Moabitess named Ruth. But we have a problem because of the Scriptural prohibition against Moabites and their descendants being allowed to join the congregation of Israel! How does Ruth break that curse against her and become the great-great grandmother of King David?

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=XR6T4tk8gV8?feature=oembed&w=830&h=467]

Why was Rahab in Messiah’s Genealogy? Matthew 1 part 3

This teaching will be PG-13 for obvious reasons! How many of us would brag about one of our great great great…. grandmas being a pagan prostitute? Probably not many and even fewer people would want it on their genetic resume broadcast to the world but that’s exactly what we see in the Matthew 1 genealogy of Yeshua (Jesus)! In ancient times, a man’s genealogy was a sign of his honor and status – and so you would think that the Bible writers would never have told us about King David’s questionable lineage, but then they boldly proclaim it in Matthew too!

What are we missing? Well, maybe what we see as scandalous was looked at in an entirely different way by the Jews. So this week I will share why Rahab, like Tamar before her, was honorable and not shameful. This week we are going to explore the power of repentance and the absolute forgiveness of God – and what that means for us when we come into the Covenant through the blood of Yeshua.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=IZ76Ov-yfY0?feature=oembed&w=830&h=467]