Matt 1 Tamar blogThis is our first PG-13 teaching so I must caution parents to either preview this or watch it with your kids. I give a warning at the beginning telling kids not to watch it without your permission. There is just no way to thoroughly discuss why Messiah’s genealogy was an honorable one without talking about the four women mentioned in it – and this week that means discussing Levirate marriage, sex, and cult prostitution. Tamar was a vindicated woman, but to the modern eye she appears a bit scandalous – it is important that our kids know how people in Messiah’s day would have looked at the women included.

This also ties in with Torah Portion Vayeshev.


Messiah’s Genealogy: Matthew 1 Part 1

genealogy blogIt’s finally beginning! The first class in Context for Kids Gospel Studies – I am so excited! This is the first of five classes on Yeshua’s (Jesus’s) family treeĀ or genealogy. Not only are we going to learn about Joseph’s and Mary’s families, but we are also going to learn about ancient adoption, record-keeping, some problems that popped up in Babylon, and how extra-biblical Jewish writings support the claims in both Matthew and Luke. We will also discuss the “missing links” – the three missing kings from the line of David – and how we see the same gaps in Old Testament genealogies. We’re going to learn why it was a very Jewish thing to do. I am also going to put a strong focus on preparing our kids to spot antimissionary tricks and lies so they won’t be fooled by ex-believers who want them to deny Yeshua as Messiah.

The next addition to our studies is actual practical discipleship, giving the kids ideas of things that they can personally do, or you can do as a family, to make God look good and to become conformed to the image of Messiah.

So, first we have this week’s episode:


And that episode talked about this past episode on David and Solomon:


and if you have not viewed the video explaining the rating system, here it is:


What is Context? (and why is it so important?)

what is context blogOn the few occasions where I have actually taught live, this is my favorite thing to teach. The kids laugh, I laugh – and it really shows how differently people see things. I find that it really helps kids get excited about studying Bible context. If you haven’t checked out the new Context for Kids rating system, I included the link here for you parents to watch. I need you to understand why I have instituted the ratings and how I need you to work with me to ensure that older kids get the context they need but younger kids are protected from anything they are not ready for.


