What is Context? (and why is it so important?)

what is context blogOn the few occasions where I have actually taught live, this is my favorite thing to teach. The kids laugh, I laugh – and it really shows how differently people see things. I find that it really helps kids get excited about studying Bible context. If you haven’t checked out the new Context for Kids rating system, I included the link here for you parents to watch. I need you to understand why I have instituted the ratings and how I need you to work with me to ensure that older kids get the context they need but younger kids are protected from anything they are not ready for.

[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Znd76KmYiwM?feature=oembed&w=830&h=467]


[youtube https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Yy-ZSa9pY38?feature=oembed&w=830&h=467]