Behukotai – Lev 26:3-27:35 “Order and Chaos”

Here’s the crazy thing about the gods of the ancient world, they didn’t have laws like YHVH! People weren’t entirely sure what they had done wrong when famine struck and things went absolutely haywire – they just knew that the gods must be angry!

The God of the Bible, on the other hand, tied chaos to sin, and told them exactly what sin was so that it could be easily avoided. This week we’re going to talk about that. You can watch the video either here or on youtube <—- if you like my videos, I would appreciate a thumbs up!


I also encourage you to check out this really cool video on unicorns and the Bible by Nathan Hoffman – if you like it, be sure to like his video because everyone needs encouragement. I am sure that the kids will love it and I am also linking the article that he wrote on it here <—– 


Torah Portion Behar Sinai Lev 25:1 – 26:2

beharThis week is like the shortest Torah Portion EVER. One chapter plus two extra verses, so what’s up with that? Well, the subject matter is extremely important – exactly how are we supposed to treat the things that are precious to God? Do we do whatever we want with them? Do we use them up, or sell them off, or treat them like something common?

The Land was given in a Covenant promise to Abraham, Isaac and Jacob in the form of an eternal Grant Covenant. This week, we’ll be going over what makes the Grant Covenant so unique and special, and why they can never be broken or taken back. The Grant Covenant is also the basis of Yeshua’s (Jesus’) rights to the throne of David and the descendants of Aaron’s rights to the Priesthood.

Teaching your kids about the eternal nature of God’s promises is one of the most important keys in establishing a trust relationship between them and God. Once they see that God, historically, has never broken a promise no matter what, they can begin to see His long-suffering and loyal character.

Praying for you this week!


Miss Tyler



Context for Kids: Under Construction!

Context-For-Kids-Vol-1-Cover-Final-96853Welcome to my still totally ugly website, but then, computer design isn’t really my cup of tea. My plan is to have posts up every Monday morning with the new week’s video link and maybe a small article or fun fact or character lesson to help with teaching the kids. Context for Kids was never simply designed for homeschoolers, but for families to do together. If education is not a family affair then it tends to be a losing proposition. My goal is for the entire family to learn something that they can talk about throughout the week, whether it is from this blog, the videos, or my books. I will also be introducing your family to other children’s ministries that I am proud to associate with and which I believe will benefit your family. Children’s ministry isn’t just about one ministry trying to do everything, but about ministries banding together to work as a team with each ministry meeting needs from a different angle. There is no “one true way” to do Children’s ministry, and there is no one-stop shopping network. What works with one child may or may not work with another. Working together, we can try and get all kids equipped according to their needs and their gifts.

Much love,

Miss Tyler



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