OK, so this week we are going to talk about the Ancient Near Eastern concepts of order and chaos. Everything that the ancients did was an attempt to preserve order for their own people (but they weren’t shy about causing chaos for other people!) – the worship of their gods was 100% about trying to have an ordered world because an ordered world was a safe place with plenty of food and freedom from wars on your own turf. Chaos, on the other hand, was absolutely feared. Unhappy gods and enemies made the lives of their people chaotic.
Here’s the crazy thing about the gods of the ancient world, they didn’t have laws like YHVH! People weren’t entirely sure what they had done wrong when famine struck and things went absolutely haywire – they just knew that the gods must be angry!
The God of the Bible, on the other hand, tied chaos to sin, and told them exactly what sin was so that it could be easily avoided. This week we’re going to talk about that. You can watch the video either here or on youtube <—- if you like my videos, I would appreciate a thumbs up!
I also encourage you to check out this really cool video on unicorns and the Bible by Nathan Hoffman – if you like it, be sure to like his video because everyone needs encouragement. I am sure that the kids will love it and I am also linking the article that he wrote on it here <—–