Korah – Oh you did NOT just go there!


korahblogKorah had a great job, he and his immediate cousins had the privilege of carrying the ark of the covenant, the table of shewbread, the menorah and the golden altar when Israel travelled! They were the most honored out of all the clans of the Levites – but Korah was jealous of Moses and Aaron and so he gathered up 250 other leaders and challenged the right of Moses and Aaron to lead the people!

Can you even believe it? Didn’t he see Moses go up onto the Mountain with God? Didn’t he see the plagues in Egypt and in the Wilderness? Didn’t he see all of the miracles? The rock split open at Horeb? The Manna and Quails? Everything that Moses and Aaron said would happen, happened!

Korah was guilty of a specific sin called encroachment, which is coveting, theft and rebellion against God all rolled up into a big mess of sin.

If your kids want to laugh at the ancient video game system I referred to this week, here’s a video – and yes, I played about half these games. I was disappointed that Pitfall wasn’t there as I played that a LOT. 

One thought on “Korah – Oh you did NOT just go there!

  1. Okay, I’ll be 50 years old next month and have now listened to two of your teachings….Nasso last week, Korah this week. I can’t tell you enough how much I appreciate your style of presentation. I bet kids love you even more and hope to share your teachings in coming years with my now 8 month old grandson that we are raising.

    May Abba continue to bless you in all you do! Baruch HaShem, YHWH!

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